Location Details
Possible problems
Risks assessments
Outside behind the tennis court between the tress
Classrooms shooting as CCTV
Room 45
Humanities block underneath staircases
P.e class occurring while shooting-
Monday, 15 October 2012
Location Reece 15/10/12
Shooting schedule on Wednesday 17th october - 15/10/12
Shot Number and Shot Details
Props in the shot and where they need to be
Character(s) in scene
7:45am-10:30am – humanities block through windows, upstairs in IT to get a big view of the quads.
- 1:00pm -5:00pm
This depends if there are any additional shots which are needed to be taken so therefore the rooms available which is room 45 would be the location.
Props are not included for these particular scenes in which it only presents the school premises as a CCTV camera
No characters involved with these scenes
Shooting schedule on Tuesday 16th october - 14/10/12
Shot Number and Shot Details
Props in the shot and where they need to be
Character(s) in scene
8:00 – 11:00– Astroturf – behind tennis courts
11:00am till 12:00pm (extended shots included from AstroTurf)
1:00 pm– 4:00pm (room 44)
1 -12
Vodka – they need to be held in the teenagers hand as they pass it around
Phone – Kate will be holding the phone to record the scene herself also will be involved in a shot where it drops being placed on the ground
Gun- as it will present as a flashback of how the girls were shot by the prefect.
Paper, pen and prefect badge
1-there will be no characters used at that time will present schools students as a cctv camera
2-5 –Kate, Olivia and the other girls will be presented in these scenes
6 – 8 the prefect needs to be in the scene and also one of the group member
9-11 Kate Olivia and the group of girls
12 – only see one girl from the group of girls
14 – a extreme close up of Kate as she opens her eye
15-32 – Katie and Olivia will be involved with the scenes where Kate tries to escape
33-36-the projector screen will appear in which presents the prefect shooting Olivia and Kate.
Olivia and Kate are in the shot watching
37-42-olivia and Kate panicking and finding out they have been shot
43-seeing the prefect holding the piece of paper
44-48 presents the names on the list in which the prefect crosses out in which the prefect then whispers ‘almost perfect’.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Hiring actors 11/10/12
As me and my partner managed to organise all the components
for our shooting, our most important component that we only need is actors;
As you know we consider of having actors between the age of
15-18, this is because of our scenes in which involves with drinking ect.Our
previous plan was to hire year 9 students, however as this will come across
with a drinking scene, the students would not be suitable for that position,
therefore we have managed to hire a few actors from our school that my partner
knew who are:
- Zarah Mpopo
- Stephanie in year 13
- Claire Astley
These actors were hired by my partner Karis in whom she
managed to inform them about asking permission from their teachers of missing
their lesson and also providing them a permission slip to be signed by their
We then realised that we needed extra actors, in which they
will be involved of being the group of girls surrounding Kate and Olivia.
Therefore I have volunteered to find those actors from a year 10 drama group
and managed to receive two well mannered year 10 students who are:
- Hannah Patel
- Paige Poole
I have managed to inform them about the shooting schedule
which is on the Tuesday 16th October from 7:45am to 11:00am in which
they will only be involved with a few scenes. However before confirming their
roles in our film it was compulsory for me to provide them a permission slip
for their parent sand also ask their head of year named Mr moloney.This was
very important for me to ask because without asking permission of their head of
year could get our group with a lot of trouble so therefore we must be very
certain and also secured of our options.
As you can see below I have informed my media teacher in
which seemed very pleased.
The print screen shows how I informed the year 10 to meet me
to receive the permission slips
I have managed to message the head of year 10 and hoping to
receive a reply in which ill then update as soon as possible.
Overall what I have learnt from his process is that I must
very accurate and very certain of the specific actors, it usually takes a lot
of time consuming however the end result will be perfect if the actors are
professionally good at acting.
Location updates 10/10/12
As me and my partner organised the location Reece we then
suddenly realise that one of the location Reece might come across with a
problem in which can effect the whole storyboard plan.
One of our beginning shots outside the tennis court can come
across with a problem if the weather isn’t very good considering with the rain
in which can cause damage to our camera and its equipment. Therefore we had to
produce another storyboard to change only those particular shots in that scenes
into a location in the humanities block underneath the staircase.
Overall this will be our back up plan if on the day we shoot
our film rains, in which we will call another location.
Location Reece plan A 09/10/12
One of our 1st location would be set outside the
tennis court between the trees in which there won’t be any permission needed to
be asked ,so therefore this wouldn’t be a trouble.
However there is another location, which involves the scenes
where Olivia and Kate realises they are dead considering it will be shot at a classroom.
We first considered to have the media studio as our choice, however according
to the film cinematography it wouldn’t seem very realistic as we want to
present something that is a more thriller type that the audience will
recongise.Therefore we believed that one of the maths room which is room 44
would be our recommendable choice for shooting the final scenes.
In order to book the room 44 we had to ask permission from
the head of maths if the room are free during the shooting period.
Therefore by asking the head of maths, Mr Davies accepted
our permission according to their point of view. This will benefit our legacy
of shooting the film in the room and include all the creative shots that we
desire of shooting for our film.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Costume list 10/10/12
Before shooting the film, we have manage to organise the
costumes specifically for each character. However this process was done in a
decision in which we both were very cautious of being accurate of the costume that
actually suited for the characters.
Her costumer would preferably be:
- Wearing a jacket
- Shirt and tie which are loose, considered that she’s a student that doesn’t care about her education and seems very unorganised
- Wearing casual shoes
- She can wear a fashion jacket in which most typical teenage girl wears.
Her costumer would be similar to kat however
- If she is going to wear a jacket it must be something very different to kat
- Preferably wear a coloured jacket in which goes against thwe school uniform codes
Group of girls
Their costumer would all be the same in which they would
- Shirt and school tie (must be worn loose)
- Could wear jewellery
- School bags
- Girls can bring their hand bags
- Casual shoes
As same is considered to be a prefect their costumer would
- Blazer
- Shirt and tie worn properly
- Prefect badge
- Smart shoes
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Props list 07/10/12
Replica Gun
Ingredients for bullet wounds
Red marker
Prefect badge
Replica Gun
Ingredients for bullet wounds
Red marker
Prefect badge
Script First draft 07/10/12
4 young girls (Kat, Olivia, Girl 1 and Girl 2) sit amongst trees passing around a bottle of vodka, all wear school uniform. All the girls are intermittently talking and laughing.
A male figure in the near distance begins to approach them
Girl 1 squints at the figure, then identifies him
Oh great, here comes Mr
Perfect-Prefect, Sam
Oi Sam, you gonna tell on
us then?
the girls laugh
begins to stumble and wobble, then passes out
wakes up and looks over at Olivia who is sat at the next desk
Good you’re finally up. I
have no idea how we got here, but I'm pretty sure we're busted.
Me neither, but you're
probably right
both begin to laugh.
suddenly slowly stops laughing and her face becomes grave as she into stares
space for a few seconds (as she does the sound of Olivia's laughter fades away,
and the sound of screams fades in).
Kat turns to Olivia
Kat turns to Olivia
Something doesn't feel
right. Where are the others? I feel like something might have happened out
gets up and walks to the door. She tries to open the door and finds that it is
Olivia gets up and walks over to the windows. Both Kat and Olivia then try to open the windows, which they find are locked too.
They bang on the windows calling for help, but no one comes.
Olivia gets up and walks over to the windows. Both Kat and Olivia then try to open the windows, which they find are locked too.
They bang on the windows calling for help, but no one comes.
lean against a wall. They are breathing deeply as if they are beginning to
drinking scene in full is projected over them, where we see that Sam had pulled
out a gun, took aim at the group and hit Kat and Olivia.
As they remember, both instinctively reach for the
collars of their shirts, beneath which they both have bloody bullet wounds.
Oh my God
This is it. We're stuck
Both sink to the floor, their faces are blank with shock
is frowning with concentration, hunched over a list of names labelled
'Naughty'. He crosses off Kat and Olivia from the list in red marker pen.
He smiles and reaches for his prefect badge. He strokes it.
He smiles and reaches for his prefect badge. He strokes it.
Almost perfect.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Response of new treatment 04/10/12
After producing the new treatment, me and my partner consisted to be very certain if the treatment is very suitable and doesn’t consider coming across any problems that we did receive from our previous feedbacks from other treatments that we had produced. We also wanted to gain the feedback of knowing any improvements that is needed to be taken under consideration; however we managed to receive positive feedbacks from our teacher.

Overall I visualise this treatment to be presented as an creative film, in which includes the great idea of referring kate of having drinking problems,suddenly coming across to have a limbo.However,by including a twist where she finds out how she died is a brilliant twist and of course presenting each character motivation will consider a great sense and avoids any confusion that our audience may receive by viewing this treatment.
Response for new story 03/10/12
After presenting the life swap treatment that me and Karis have produced, as you know by receiving feedback from our class, we then decided that we needed to either include more scenes that actually made sense to what we were attempting to present or ,to produce a new treatment. Therefore me and Karis decided to produce a new treatment since our feedbacks considered to be very complex and by including more scenes will consist a lot of time consuming of the film.
After the decision, we both individually manage to do our own research about building a character for Kat. I had to develop a lot of research to understand how we are going to present this character and also think of a new situation which doesn’t consider being very complex. Therefore I have managed to go through the mood board that I have previously produced, in which some of the images such presenting young teenagers drinking and smoking and also the family background can be used to present why has Kate become of who she is in today’s aspects. However I then thought of including a situation where Kate may become murdered in which she doesn’t know because of her drinking problem leading to her of having limbo. Therefore I furthered my research of looking up articles relating to school massacres such as the incident in columbine in 1999.
After the decision, we both individually manage to do our own research about building a character for Kat. I had to develop a lot of research to understand how we are going to present this character and also think of a new situation which doesn’t consider being very complex. Therefore I have managed to go through the mood board that I have previously produced, in which some of the images such presenting young teenagers drinking and smoking and also the family background can be used to present why has Kate become of who she is in today’s aspects. However I then thought of including a situation where Kate may become murdered in which she doesn’t know because of her drinking problem leading to her of having limbo. Therefore I furthered my research of looking up articles relating to school massacres such as the incident in columbine in 1999.
Overall me and Karis still preferred the idea of focusing on the limbo as an eternal state, in which can be used as an interesting twist for our story. I have managed to keep the research of the underage drinking and the idea of how teenagers interact with adults in today’s society. Therefore by including a new formatted treatment being involved of what the characters motivation is will be executed brilliantly.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Final Treatment- The perfect Prefect 2/10/12
The film begins with Kat and a group of her
friends passing around a bottle off alcohol, all seen through the camera of a
mobile phone as Kat records. They are all in school uniform, and eventually it
becomes apparent the are sat on a school field. They laugh and joke for a few
seconds, then they notice a male figure approaching them. One of them says 'Oh
great, here comes Mr. Perfect-Head-Boy, Sam' another shouts 'Oi Sam, you gonna
tell on us then?'. At this point the camera would start to stray away from what
is happening, as Kat first stumbles and wobbles a bit, then passes out, the
phone in the grass.
She wakes up to find she is in detention with one of her friends, Olivia. Olivia says 'Good your'e finally up. I have no idea how we got here, but I'm pretty sure we're busted.' Kat responds 'Me neither, but you're probably right' at which they both begin to laugh. Kat suddenly slowly stops laughing and her face becomes grave as she into stares space for a few seconds. As she does the sound of Olivia's laughter fades away, and the sound of screams fades in. Kat turns to Olivia and says 'Something doesn't feel right. Where are the others? I feel like something might have happened out there'. Kat gets up and tries to open the door, only to find it is locked. Kat and Olivia then try the windows, only to find they are locked too. They bang on the windows calling for help, but no one comes. Both lean against a wall breathing deeply as if they are beginning to panic, at which point the drinking scene in full is projected over them. In it, we see that Sam had pulled out a gun and took aim at the group, hitting both Kat and Olivia. As they remember, both instinctively reach for the collars of their shirts, beneath which they both have bloody bullet wounds.
Olivia murmurs 'Oh my God' and Kat says 'This is it. We're stuck here.' At which point both sink to the floor with their faces blank with shock
She wakes up to find she is in detention with one of her friends, Olivia. Olivia says 'Good your'e finally up. I have no idea how we got here, but I'm pretty sure we're busted.' Kat responds 'Me neither, but you're probably right' at which they both begin to laugh. Kat suddenly slowly stops laughing and her face becomes grave as she into stares space for a few seconds. As she does the sound of Olivia's laughter fades away, and the sound of screams fades in. Kat turns to Olivia and says 'Something doesn't feel right. Where are the others? I feel like something might have happened out there'. Kat gets up and tries to open the door, only to find it is locked. Kat and Olivia then try the windows, only to find they are locked too. They bang on the windows calling for help, but no one comes. Both lean against a wall breathing deeply as if they are beginning to panic, at which point the drinking scene in full is projected over them. In it, we see that Sam had pulled out a gun and took aim at the group, hitting both Kat and Olivia. As they remember, both instinctively reach for the collars of their shirts, beneath which they both have bloody bullet wounds.
Olivia murmurs 'Oh my God' and Kat says 'This is it. We're stuck here.' At which point both sink to the floor with their faces blank with shock
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