What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
By managing to produce my short film, film poster and film
review page, it was compulsory for me to receive audience feedback. By asking
specific questions which allowed me to adjust any problems and to acknowledge
any improvements that needed to be developed.
Short film
After producing my short film, I have managed to asked specific
questions to my colleague. My first important question I had received was the
rating that was given by the collegues.As my film
have been viewed by 5 of my colleague I the wanted to know how effective it is
to be published as short film so
therefore my concerns was the type of rating they will give after viewing the
short film which will justify how they thought about the film whether if its
amazing to watch or very poor to watch.

The graph presents the rating
that was given by 5 of the colleague. The highest is considered to be 10 where
the lowest is given as 1.By viewing the result from the quantitative data
received,7 and 8 out of 10 were given the most out of the 5 colleague. This is
considered to be a very good score however my aim was to achieve a 9 or
possibly a 10.However I needed to know what improvements can be developed in
order to receive that scored ,so therefore I have managed to ask specific
questions that referred to the cinematography, camera shots and also
asking if they understood the story plot of the short film. The feedback that I
had received from these questions became a suitable resource.
My first feedback that I had received from my colleague was
referred to the camera shot/angle of the film. The
reason why have asked a question referred to this, is because from every short
film must always conduct a fabulous presentation of camera shots/angles that
are very professionally taken. I was concerned if I have managed to receive
that skill.I was satisfied as my colleague replied “Camera shots are very smoothed and
delicate, whoever was holding the camera they should receive a massive credit.
I really liked the way the camera shots of one of the girls showing their hands
that were covered with blood which actually freaked me out, overall the other
camera shots was executed very accurately.” As this feedback made me very
certain of receiving the skills of taking professional camera shots. I have
learnt that by managing to take
creative and accurate shots will always present a more professional view of the
films cinematography, with a lack of camera shots/angle being taken considering
if they are too basic and too repetitive can lead to the audience of being
bored or not consider to be an attractive view for them to watch the film.
to the cinematography, this was another important question that I had to ask.
This is because the cinematography of every film must always be very creative
with the terms of features, special effects and most importantly the acting.
For receiving feedback on the cinematography of the film one had stated that “The editing of the CCTV at the opening
sequence seemed very creative and most importantly the cinematography of the
scene where the two girls found out they were shot was superb. I really liked
the way special effects were added with the gun shot which was matched
perfectly and also the contrast of the classroom scene was so fantastic the way
it showed more as a spooky atmosphere.” I believe that by receiving this feedback made
me learnt of how important it is to show a film is represented a specific genre
for example for a horror film, the cinematography must always be presented with
something that is dark and mysterious to at least show how this is a horror
movie and its also an important strategy to make a cinematography more
effective for an audience to be amazed of watching the short film.I have also
realised that the cinematography of the opening sequence must very effective
and creative, this is because an opening sequence of a film is an element which
will encourage the audience to watch the whole short film. If the opening
sequence is considered to be very poorly edited and something this either
boring or very basic, this will lead to a disadvantage where it will less
likely for an audience to carry on watching the short film. Most importantly as
big twists considered to be the main element from every short film, I have
learnt how compulsory it is to present a creative and fantastic view of how the
big twist occur, without accomplishing that method a short film would not considered
to be successful and would less likely to receive any amazement from any
Finally I had to be concerned if
the audience understood the story plot of the film. This is because if a story
plot of a short film is not understood by every audience, then this would not
be very interesting to be watched and many audiences will not bother of
watching something that they don’t understand. Therefore a colleague “The story plot
was made clear that there was a perfect prefect who killed disobedient students
this is a very captivating story line and I think I would enjoy watching
something like that. For improvements id say maybe have more interaction with
the other kids in the circle at the beginning of the video. Out of 10 i give it
an 8 as the actors acted very well and the whole idea was clear the only thing
that may be lacking is overall content and an explanation as to why the girls
were stuck there in that classroom.” .This
satisfied myself as I actually managed
to present a story plot that made sense, however I then realised that the
classroom scene where the two girls woke up after being collapse did provide
abit of confusion a colleague then further stated that I “The story plot which in my honest opinion did seem very confusing at
first where the two young girls woke up in the classroom however It did make
sense to me as it was apart of the big twist” From this particular scene
made me realise how from every twist there is abit of a confusion only for a
small amount of time however in order to make that twist very successful is to
make t try an present the unexpected the moment that will make sense for the
Film poster
After producing my film poster, I have managed to receive
feedback from my colleagues. The question that I have asked referred to the
typography and graphical image of the poster. These questions become very
useful since it allowed me to understand how I would be able to improve the
typography of the film poster and most importantly how they would compare my
film poster to well known films so I would be able to accomplish the same
methods they used to promote and advertise their film. My first important
question I had received was the rating that was given by the collegues.As my film poster have been viewed by 5 of my colleague I
the wanted to know how effective it is to be used as an advertisement for my
short film. So therefore my concerns was the type of rating they will give
after viewing the film poster, which will justify if the poster will be able to
encourage audiences to watch the film.

The graph presents the ratings
that were given by 5 of the colleague. The highest is considered to be 10 where
the lowest is given as 1.By viewing the result from the quantitative data
received,7 out of 10 were given the most out of the 5 colleague. This is
considered to be a very good score however my aim was to achieve a 9 or
possibly a 10.However I needed to know what improvements can be developed in
order to receive that scored, so therefore I have managed to ask specific
questions that referred to the creativity of the poster, matching with
the film product and typography Therefore the feedback that I had received from
these questions became a suitable resource to develop improvements.
I was very concerned with the creativity of the poster. In
which considers the terms of how it appeals to the audience which encourages
them to watch the film also if the audience will recognise the poster as a
thriller type of a film. One had stated , “The first thing
that is most obviously noticeable is the large prefect badge that catches the
eye as this takes up a large amount of the poster and the colour red against
the grey stands out well. “.This
feedback justifies of how the poster have managed to meet the demand of being
eye Cathy win which every film poster must accomplish if they want to receive a
large mass of audience watching their film. However according to being
represented as a thriller type of a film one had stated that “The perfect badge, colour font with the red
and white is fabulous however for being recognised as a thriller film almost
perfect" i didn’t understand that 100% so maybe that could be changed or
explained more. Maybe even add one more small detail such as a gun or some kind
of picture to show danger with the prefect badge.” This feedback justifies of how there can
be more devices that should be included that will present a strong
representation of the genre for example present a screenshot or include more
thriller graphical content so that the audience will recognise the genre of the
film, most importantly will attract the audience to watch the film. However as
I have managed to use evident quotes, which justifies the review being given by
big companies such as The Sun, Daily mirror and Filmmaker, this will provide a
believable typography for the audience to believe it’s a amazing horror film to
be watched.
Overall I was satisfied by
receiving this positive feedback, which justified of how I have managed to
present a film poster that is noticeable and managed to use the colour fonts
efficiently which is something that is very eye catchy. From every film poster
must always be eye Cathy, this is the purpose of attracting audiences to feel
interested of watching the film and believe the expectations they will see by
viewing the cinematography of the film. By learning from this feedback made me
realise of how important it is to
present poster that audiences
will recognise the genre it belongs to, for example for a film poster to
present a more horror type must always use a more dark and spooky image which
justify it as a horror movie. By producing a
film poster, it most important that a film poster matches with the actually product.
This is because a film poster is there to advertise a film and to try and
encourage audience to watch the film, if the film poster doesn’t match with the
final film then it is less likely for a film to receive any audience or any
acknowledgement from their own advertisement. Therefore I have managed to ask a
question to an audience Do you think it matches with the final product of the
film? Please justify. My response from the audience was "it shows what
the film is about and matches well and it looks professional, however there
could be a little more detail to what the film is like.” This response satisfied of how professional the film
poster however I realised how it must include more detail about a film so
therefore screen shots needs to be added this is because by viewing many film
poster they always include a screen shot of a main character or a particular
scene where the twist occurs, this will allow the audience to expect what they
will watch and it’s a more better show an image that represents a situation
that occurs in a film where the audience will be appealed and attracted to know
the story plot of the film.
Film magazine review
After producing my film review page , I received feedback by
asking specific questions regarding to the typography ,layout and structure of
the review page. These questions allowed me to understand the improvements that
are needed to be developed in order to meet the demand of presenting an
effective response that every audience will acknowledge and become very
interested of reading. My first important question I had received was the
rating that was given by the collegues.As my film review
page have been viewed by 5 of my colleague I the wanted to know how interesting
it is to view their personal opinion. So therefore my first concerns were the
type of rating they will give after viewing the film review page.

The graph presents the ratings that were given by 5 of the colleague. The highest is considered to be 10 where the lowest is given as 1.By viewing the result from the quantitative data received,7 out of 10 were given the most out of the 5 colleague. This is considered to be a very good score however my aim was to achieve a 9 or possibly a 10.However I needed to know what improvements can be developed in order to receive that scored, so therefore I have managed to ask specific questions that referred to the gimmick of the review page, Typography and structure. Therefore the feedback that I had received from these questions became a suitable resource to develop improvements.
I had to ask specific questions
that were referred to the structure and most importantly the layout of the
review page. This is because I had to be very certain if the layout of the
review page suited the gimmick as a more thriller type, because of presenting
the expressive words in red text.Futhermore I also wanted to be very certain if
the typography of the film is very professional in the terms with English grammar
and language. Considering if it is very easy to understand or easy to read.
From many magazine their style of English must be very clear to read in order for
the audience to literally understand their opinion they are expressing, if their
style of English is not very clear then an audience would be very confused,
leading to their share of personal opinion being not understood by many
Therefore a question that I have
asked to a fellow colleague was “Is the English grammar/language very clear and
easy to read? Please justify”. The response I have received was “The English and
grammar is easy to understand however there are a few places where certain
words or descriptions could be changed or left out”. From receiving this response satisfied me as the
typography of my review page is very clear and easy to understand. However from
explaining how there are certain words that are needed to be “changed” or “
left out” I realised how by viewing the certain words from my review page ,some
are considered to be repetitive and very basic such as “impressive” and
“brilliant”. Therefore I have learnt that in a review page must always avoid
repetitive words, which sometimes can show how unprofessional the magazine is,
as well as how they cannot fully expand their positive response about the film.
Another problem that I have encounter
was when my brother stated that “the red
text used to present the strong impression needs to be cutted out” I have
realised as by reading through the review page, the red text can come across as
a distraction because of its bright colours that stands out. The particular
device is positive with the terms of presenting the gimmick of the short film
however there is a negative side where it can be a big distraction of reading
the whole response. Overall I have learnt that I have to try and not use a device
that distracts a viewing of reading the content and also I must try and avoid
using devices that presents the layout abit more basic if I were to try and
make it look more professional.
In conclusion by receiving feedback from my short film as
well as my ancillary task allowed me to develop the improvements and overcoming
the problems that needed to be adjusted. I have learnt how important it is to
receive feedback in order to know if the product is successful enough to be
viewed by every audience and most importantly how the product is advertised, by
having a strong advertisement for your product will bring a positive end result
where many audiences will be appealed to watch the film and most certainly the
film will receive high reputation from that result.